"Partial Obedience Is Still Disobedience"
Bulletin https://faithlife.com/slccfaith/bulletins/116693022
“Partial Obedience Is Still Disobedience”
I Samuel 15:2-3, 7-15
I Samuel 15:1-2a
1. Any teacher or preacher who repeats or points out these clear instructions, he is just the messenger. The message is from God.
I Samuel 15:2b-3
Deuteronomy 25:17-19
I Samuel 15:7-8
2. When you disobey God once, it becomes easier to disobey Him the next time.
I Samuel 15:9
3. To know God’s will, to know God’s Word, to know God’s commands, and to deliberately disobey, is to put ourselves above God and therefore we become our own god. That is idolatry.
I Samuel 15:10-11
I Samuel 15:12
I Samuel 15:13
4. Self-deception is the ability to justify things that are not right.
Jeremiah 17:9
I Samuel 15:14
I Samuel 15:15
5. No religious activity can be used as an excuse for not being fully obedient to the Word of God.
I Samuel 15:22